
What can you tell your friends and family to do to minimize

IN YOUR OWN WORDS---what is a computer crime? If you try to Google or use the FBI website you will:

Be in violation of what was asked for; but also box yourself into a possibly more narrow view of what it is. On the other hand, if the response is " a crime committed using a computer" that is a weak effort and also incorrect.

Are "computer crimes" anything new, or are they the same old crimes that have been updated by technology? What criminal act do we have that did not exists (in roughly the same form) before computers----- not as easy as you think.

Find someone else's explanation and challenge it in a collegial manner. Perhaps it was too broad as to be meaningless or too narrow as to have excluded a particular kind of offense or action.

What can you tell your friends and family to do to minimize the chance of being a victim of computer crime? Be specific and make it just one thing.

What is the most over-blown concern that the public may have about computer crime, that simply is not justified at the same level at which the fear/concern manifests? (1 Page)

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Dissertation: What can you tell your friends and family to do to minimize
Reference No:- TGS02906907

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