
What can you tell us about the difference between the us

Please I need good and quality answers. Also please I want good citation, good in text citation and good references. I want it in APA format. Please the professor uses turnit in so free from plagiarism.

Also, please I want good, quality, APA format, good citation and references. Please I need good and quality answers.

Also please I want good citation, good in text citation and good references. I want it in APA format. Please the professor uses turnit in so free from plagiarism. Also, please I want good, quality, APA format, good citation and references.

In responding to the learning activities, please be sure to use the course material using in-text citations and a reference list to cite the source(s) used. Remember, an in-text citation cannot exist without having a corresponding reference list and a reference list cannot exist without having a corresponding in-text citation.

Use of the course material using in-text citations and a reference list is always expected in the learning activities and good practice for the assignments in the course

MRKT 412 7980 Marketing Research


• Course Module 2 : Implement a marketing research plan

• Read Chapter 3 (Shukla text): Conclusive research designs

• Reach Chapter 4 (Hague text): An Introduction to Research Methodologies

• Read Chapter 5 (Hague text): Introduction to Qualitative Research

• Read Chapter 6 (Hague text): Introduction to Quantitative Research

• Module 2: What will we ask? (Embedded below)

• Article on personal interviews: https://www.fao.org/docrep/W3241E/w3241e06.htm

The texts used for this course can be found online. We suggest that you download the books and keep a copy on your computer.

1. Essentials of Marketing Research PauravShukla: https://bookboon.com/en/marketing-research-an-introduction-ebook

2. A Practical Guide to Market Research Paul Hague: https://www.b2binternational.com/publications/practical-market-research/

I will send the last discussion board I did to understand this assignment, will send it to your email.

The research question isWhat is the perception people have on diet Pepsi? (The research design to apply in this situation is the explanatory design)

The focus of week 3 is on what type of research method you will use, and what are some of the questions you may ask.


In one paragraph, describe the research method you will use: (not all of these questions may apply to your research method)
quantitative or qualitative?

primary or secondary?

what kind of data collection (interviews, surveys, observation)?

how many people do you plan to collect data from?

how will you collect this data?

Refer especially to the Hague book for research methods in both quantitative and qualitative studies.

HRMN 367 7980 Organizational Culture

Activity #1

The GLOBE study built on another study conducted by Geert Hofstede, one of the most comprehensive studies of how values in the workplace are influenced by culture. In Hofstede's study, he describes and measures 6 cultural dimensions - some of which were also used in the GLOBE study : Power Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance, Long Term Orientation and Indulgence.

1) Go to this page: https://geert-hofstede.com/countries.html
and select United States.

2) Then select under Comparison Country any country of your choice.

3) What can you tell us about the difference between the U.S. and the other country?

Activity #2

Why is (or isn't!) "global leadership" important to think about and study in today's organizational environments?

Activity #3

GLOBE shifts our focus (a little bit) from Organizational Culture to Societal Culture, so how do you see the relationship between the two?

- is there a relationship between the two?

- does societal culture impact organizational culture?

- in a globalized world, can organizational culture lead to conflicts in another (foreign) societal culture?

Activity #4


Why do you think the GLOBE project has "become one of the largest, most prestigious and most comprehensive studies of its kind in the social sciences."

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Marketing Research: What can you tell us about the difference between the us
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