
What can you say to resolve the argument

Problem: Gender Differences and Memory Suppose that two friends of yours - let's call them Joan and John - are in a romantic relationship, and have been in the relationship a long time. One day, while you're visiting them, they get into a big argument about memory. Joan says women have better memory than men. John says men have better memory than women. Joan says she can prove it, and does so by recalling what the couple said to one another when they first met (which John can't remember). John says he can prove it, and does so by recalling the exact route from their old first apartment to their old favorite restaurant (which Joan can't remember). The argument - "Women have better memory" "No, men have better memory"- goes on and on. What can you say to resolve the argument?

Relevant scientific paper:

Herlitz, A., & Rehnman, J. (2008). Sex differences in episodic memory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17, 52-56.

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