1. What can you legally ask during an interview?
“Because this job requires interacting with primarily Hispanic clientele, do you have the ability to speak Spanish?”
“We have a lot of transgender clientele that order our coffee, what would you consider your sexual orientation to be?”
“Do you have any arrest records? Can you tell us about them?”
“Because this job handles people’s house rentals, we want you to be able to understand how renting works. Do you own or rent a house? Where?”
2. Which of the following is unacceptable for an employer to ask you during an interview?
Verification of legal right to work in the US
A list of job-related organizations and clubs
Conviction history and criminal record
Your Age
3. A qualified individual with a disability is a person who can show which of the following?
A history of such impairment
A physical or mental impairment
Regarded as having such impairment even if he or she does not have the impairment.
All of the following apply
4. In most states the following types of contracts are within the statute of frauds
Any contract for sale of goods
A lease for $250
A lease for $500
Sale of goods for $500 or more