
What can you find from this dataset use various analyses

Assignment Instructions -

An SPSS dataset, chocolate.sav contains 68 weeks of sales and marketing records for four chocolate brands.

Measuring units are as follows

Sales: hundreds of kilos (only available for Brand1)

Prices: dollar per unit

Feature-only: weighted feature-only (i.e., special outside-store attention such as store flier or newspaper ad) dummy variables in a certain week. This variable varies between 0 ( = no store has a feature-only) and 1 ( = all stores have a feature-only).

Display-only: weighted display-only (i.e., special inside-store attention such as a temporary shelf on one of the aisles) dummy variables in a certain week. This variable varies between 0 ( = no store has a display-only) and 1 ( = all stores have a display-only).

Feature and Display: weighted combined use of feature and display dummy variables in a certain week. This variable varies between 0 ( = no store has feature and display) and 1 ( = all stores have feature and display). This variable is not available for Brand 2.

Temperature: average weekly temperature in Celsius

What can you find from this dataset? Use various analyses you learned in this class, and submit a summary of FIVE important findings.

You are supposed to explain your findings. A simple copy-and-paste of SPSS tables does not suffice.

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Applied Statistics: What can you find from this dataset use various analyses
Reference No:- TGS02802025

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