
What can you do with brushes in illustrator

Q1. The Pen tool is great. How do you draw with the Pen tool- straight- segments and curved segments? What about converting anchor points?

Q2. What can you do with Brushes in illustrator ( that  might be different or easier than in other software)?

Q3. What can you do with Gradients in illustrator ( that might be  different or easier than in other software??

Q4. What is a symbol and how can you can use is?

Q5. Which preferences might YOU want to set or reset? Why?

Q6. What file formats are available hen exporting a file and why might you choose to use different ones?

Q7. What else can you tell me about preferences, print, and export?

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Other Subject: What can you do with brushes in illustrator
Reference No:- TGS03343283

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