
What can you do as a teacher to become a positive role model

Discussion Post

YouTube Videos: "Revisiting An Experiment on Race" and "A Girl Like Me".

Now that you have seen the Doll Study and how children are indeed impacted by messages from society about race and ethnicity, it is time for you to apply what you are learning.

In this discussion post you will think about what you have been reading in our text and how YOU can create a positive environment in your own classroom, or future classroom, that helps children develop a positive sense of self-worth and a pride in who they are.

As a student who completes this course, you are in a position to share what you have learned with other teachers who may not have this information. In this way, every student who successfully completes this class is responsible for become a leader in education.

As preparation for your Anti-Bias Action Plan (posted this week), please write your response to the following prompts and read the postings of your peers to better prepare your Action Plan. Respond to at least two of your peers.

A. What can you do as a teacher to become a positive role model for children of acceptance of differences and appreciation and celebration of diversity?

B. How specifically will you change your classroom environment to give messages to children that all people, regardless of their differences are to be valued and appreciated?

C. How do you see yourself becoming a leader in your school on the topic of anti-bias education and the appreciation of diversity? What specifically do you see yourself doing to become a leader?

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