
What can you do and what should you do


You are a probation officer and have a specialized sex-offender caseload. The judge disagrees with a recommendation for a prison sentence and places the offender on probation. The man was convicted of molesting his 4-year-old niece. One of the conditions of his probation is that he notify you when he is around children. He becomes engaged to a woman and moves into her home along with her three children-- all girls under the age of 12. You believe the man is not repentant and that there is a good chance that he will offend again and molest one or more of the children. Although the woman knows of his criminal history and conviction, she does not take any action and even allows him to babysit the young girls alone. The judge has specifically stated that he will not entertain new conditions to probation or a revocation unless there is evidence of a new crime. You learn from the offender's counselor that the offender continues to be sexually aroused by children. What can you do? What should you do?

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