
What can you add to or how might you contradict the


Barbour concludes that "Solitude at its best - when it realizes its fullest ethical and spiritual value - is not oriented toward escaping the world, but toward a different kind of participation in it, as made possible by disengagement from ordinary social interactions." He also notes that "Solitude is a return to the self, but ... it may also be a return to what is most important in one's life and an encounter with sources of meaning and truth beyond oneself." (3) Long and Averill also "identify ... the kinds of benefits that solitude provides, and the environmental settings, personality traits, and developmental capabilities that help mediate those benefits" (4).

In what ways do Grumbach and/or Byrd seem to be experiencing the spiritual and/or psychological benefits and deficits of solitude? Based on your analysis, what can you add to, or how might you contradict the conclusions of Barbour and of Long & Averill about the psychological and spiritual value of solitude?

Your essay should make specific reference to all the articles in this reading set. In addition, define and employ key terms that seem to be central to the arguments of your sources and, therefore, to your argument as well. Among these key terms are: Unity/fusion; spiritual; self-formation; authenticity; creativity; solitude; loneliness; negative and positive freedom; cognitive structures; indirect or substitutive engagement.

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Term Paper: What can you add to or how might you contradict the
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