Assignment Task:
Essay topic:
According to Lois Tyson, one question that can be used is when reading is "[w]hat can the work teach us about the specifics of African heritage, African American culture and experience, and/or African American history (including but not limited to the history of marginalization (177). How can this be applied to the understanding of The Marrow of Tradition?
As the essay topic provided above, from the novel "the marrow of tradition" use research to help you form and support this paper by following the instructions provided below
You are to use at least 4 secondary sources from an appropriate source. You should use books, JSTOR, and Academic Search Premier. You cannot use Wikipedia. You may use CREDO but only for background information. You cannot use Grade Saver, SHMOOP, 1 2 3 Help Me, Lit Crits, or any such study guide. Remember: I can accept only WORD attachments.
This paper must be in MLA and provide an in text citation to support your work
Chestnutt, Charles W. The Marrow of Tradition, Dover Press, 2021. 978-0-486-838-37-3
Provide this paper in an essay form, thesis statement, introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion and support it with an appropriate sources