
What can western countries the us and west european

What can Western countries(the US and West European countries)do to counter the use of the new communications and information technology by terrorist groups such as ISIS?

Your answer can be based on the material in Mass-Mediated Terrorism. Pay special attention to Chapter 11 in Mass-Mediated Terrorism, Responding to Terrorist Crises:Dealing With the Mass Media.

Is the US State Department doing anything to counter the use of internet and social media by terrorist groups.

Also check out the efforts by the US State Department to come up with alternative narratives to counter terrorist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Past efforts of the US State department have been criticized as not being very effective. Is there anything that can be applied from domestic media counterterrorist efforts to deal with foreign terrorist groups. You may find further useful information in chapters 9 and 10 of the Nacos text.

The main US State Department agency involved in this is now called the Global Engagement Center, which was set up in 2016. In a major new development, the Global Engagement Center has also been authorized to deal with the propaganda and disinformation of foreign governments, especially such governments as Russia and China. Therefore, you should also look at Russian disinformation and propaganda directed at the US,especially the use by Russia of ads in the social media such as facebook. You can engage in a background discussion of what the Russians have done in connection with this.If possible, as it may be difficult to locate specific examples, or discuss this in generalities.The indictment of 12 Russian military officers by a US grand jury, does at least contain specific details about how the Russians hacked into US computer systems during the 2016 elections.So you may want to google the 29 page indictment.

Feel free to review some of the points made in the previous discussion (the internet and national security)as they relate to the use of the media by terrorists groups such as ISIS or Al Qaeda and domestic violent groups(neo-Nazis) as discussed in Nacos. This can serve as a background for the counter-measures taken by the US (especially the State Department or any other US government agency) or some of the major technical organizations such as Google. For example, should Google censor the content of extremist groups which deny the existence of the Holocaust?

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