What can we do to shift our thinking to a less rigid

Discussion Post: Bodies & Sexualities

When it comes to Bodies & Sexualities, the common denominator globally:

Keep people unhappy with how they look = get their money = maintain social control

Discuss Aleichia William's statement, "I'm learning to embrace every aspect of my identity and not let small minds put me in a box that just doesn't fit."

I. In what institutionalized ways does our society force people into these boxes? 250 words

a. Have you ever experienced having to identify within a box that didn't fit?
b. How did you handle it?
c. What can we do to shift our thinking to a less rigid and separate way of thinking about identity?

II. Think about what communities you are a part of. 250 words

a. Are they supportive or oppressive?
b. In what ways?
c. How did you find them?

III. How are your interactions with other members of the community different from interactions with people outside the community?

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What can we do to shift our thinking to a less rigid
Reference No:- TGS03066340

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