
What can we do to improve healthcare this is a very big

Assignemnt: Public Health Challenges

In your Third Assignment, submitted in Week 9, you identified what you believed to be the most pressing issue in public health. Revisit that issue here. Summarize your findings for your classmates. Do you still believe that is the most important matter? Why? What do you recommend?

2. What can we do to improve healthcare?

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Actions for What can we do to improve healthcare?Over the weeks of this course we have covered a range of healthcare issues. Now, as we approach the last week of our course, please take a moment, step-back, and think about what we have learned.

It's been quite a journey through a tremendous amount of material. I hope you have found it of interest and of value.

As you think about all this, your final challenge is to try and bring it all together in response to the following question:

How might the ways in which we produce, deliver, and pay for care be changed in order to increase access, improve quality, and the the cost of healthcare services?

This is a VERY BIG question that begs for a simple answer. But we should not be tempted by such simplicity. If the answer was simple, we more than likely would have already implemented it.

Rather, we need to dig through the different layers and dimensions of the US healthcare system to be able to see some of the underlying challenges, issues, barriers, and real opportunities that are part of the "big picture."

So, from that big picture perspective, what would you change about the US healthcare system to make it better?

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Dissertation: What can we do to improve healthcare this is a very big
Reference No:- TGS02386020

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