
What can the salem witch trials tell us about puritan

Write at least 400 words for each question with a clear argument and detailed historical evidence taken from the information and sources uploaded. ONLY TAKE INFORMATION FROM THE FILES UPLOADED. do not plagirise, do not quote from teh sources, all must be put i your own words. all answers,events,key terms need dates! And make sure to define the key term in essay questions that i will put in "".


1. What can the Salem Witch Trials tell us about Puritan society and how Puritans viewed the world around them in the late seventeenth century?

2. Why did Andrew Jackson advocate Indian Removal and how did the Cherokee resist this policy? How successful were they?

3. Choose three types of reform movement in antebellum America to discuss. What were the origins of each of these reform movements? Which of your choices do you think was the most radical, and why?

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History: What can the salem witch trials tell us about puritan
Reference No:- TGS01532762

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