
What can monsanto do to alleviate stakeholder concerns how

1. If you were Monsanto’s CEO, how would you best balance the conflicting needs of the variety of stakeholder groups that Monsanto must successfully engage?

2. Companies, like Monsanto, that can offer technology to improve human lives are often said to have a moral obligation to society. How can Monsanto best fulfill this moral obli- gation while also protecting society and the environment from the potential negative con- sequences of its products?

3. Monsanto has developed a differentiated, patent-protected product that produces superior yields when compared to traditional seeds. How has this successful market- ing strategy been impacted by the potential negative side effects and the potential negative environmental impact of genetically modified seeds?

4. What can Monsanto do to alleviate stakeholder concerns? How could these actions be woven into the marketing strategy for the company’s products?

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Operation Management: What can monsanto do to alleviate stakeholder concerns how
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