
What can government officials do to prevent swarm attacks


I. In light of the growing pressure on local law enforcement to collect and share intelligence with federal agencies and other law enforcement partners, how important is it for local agencies to employ intelligence analysts (who can help collate, contextualize, and prioritize raw information) within the police organization? Fully Explain.

Background. In recent years, and especially during the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine the United States has seen a growing number of for-profit war-fighting and security-providing contractors emerge (e.g., Blackwater). These companies typically employ highly trained former military personnel who are willing to help fight the terrorists for a price.

II. Is there anything inherently wrong with the USA hiring such firms, who are equipped, staffed, and ready to deploy to assist in operations? Fully Explain.

Background. Swarm attacks are when small groups simultaneously attack different targets within a city. This stretches the responding resources thin and creates a degree of chaos and terror that causes panic.

III. What can government officials do to prevent swarm attacks? Fully Explain.

IV. Or is it the case that government can do very little and if a terror group wants to carry out such an attack, it will likely be successful in doing so? Fully Explain.

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Reference No:- TGS03219006

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