
What can done to reduce emilys risk of pregnancy right now


Emily is a 16yo high school student who presents to your practice for an urgent visit. She has been sexually active for the past year with one partner. Her current method of birth control is combined oral contraceptive pills with 20 mcg of estrogen which she has been using for one year and is very happy with. She was 4 days late starting her new cycle of pills this week when she couldn't get to the pharmacy and had intercourse yesterday. She does not use condoms. She is concerned about the possibility of pregnancy. Information obtained from the medical assistant: BP: 106/68, Pulse: 72; RR: 16; Weight: 104; Height 5' 3"; LMP 9 days ago.

A. Based on the information given, what is your assessment about Emily's risk of pregnancy? Is she correct to be concerned?

B. What can be done to reduce Emily's risk of pregnancy right now? What actions would you take and what teaching/instructions would you give her?

C. What additional teaching does Emily need to reduce her future risk of unintended pregnancy?

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Other Subject: What can done to reduce emilys risk of pregnancy right now
Reference No:- TGS03226881

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