
What britain could have done differently in order to win war


Your job is to post what you imagine to be

• What Britain could have done differently in order to win the war, and
• What the Americans could have done differently, to lose the war.

A good post is imaginative, but realistic. For example, suggesting the British should have unleashed zombies in the rebellious colonies is NOT a good answer...

Brad Pitt would have escaped, anyway...

When you suggest 'what' each side could have done for a different end to the war, explain 'how' this would have happened, using specific, concrete references to the events, individuals, or any aspect of the war as discussed in the readings, and in the module videos. If you want to have fun, great, just be able to support your imagination with 'real' references to the war.

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History: What britain could have done differently in order to win war
Reference No:- TGS03251116

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