
What branch of government is targeted the most by advocacy

You told me to message you directly if I had more. I was wondering if you could answer these questions in one hour and fourty five mins?

1. Besides winning elections, political parties are useful as watchdogs.



2. Strolovitch has found that African American organizations are likely to

a. Spend more time on issues that affect African American men, like prison reform.

b. Spend more time on issues supporting their advantaged sub-groups, like affirmative action in higher education.

c. Spend more time on issues supporting their disadvantaged subgroups, like welfare reform.

d. Spend more time on issues that affect African American women, like childcare.

3. The "explosion" of national advocacy groups representing people of color, women, and low-income people resulted in

a. The founding of over 700 groups.

b. None of these.

c. Nearly 10,000 groups.

d. Actually a pretty small number--only 200 groups.

4. The problem with opt-in internet panels is that

a. They have a greater margin of error.

b. They do not use scientific methods.

c. All of these.

d. Participants self-select, leaving out significant sections of the public.

5. There are very few sources of news about politics these days.



6. The Electoral College was created

a. In 1824 and then later adapted in 1870, to make sure that the popular vote of the people was counted properly

b. In 1787, when the Constitution was written

c. In 1801, after the first disastrous presidential election when two people were elected for president--Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.

d. In 1867, after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, when Congress decided to elect the president by popular vote of the people.

7. Third parties dominated American politics until the last 50 years when just two parties started to dominate.



8. One method that schools use to politically socialize young people is

a. Ask students to watch TV news.

b. Ask student to participate in mock elections.

c. Ask students to read newspapers.

d. Tell students who to vote for.

9. According to Jackson, the digital revolution has given us more information about the candidates,

a. But it is not very detailed.

b. And the candidates usually approve of the things written about them

c. And the information is usually quite accurate.

d. But the information is not always accurate.

10. Historically, which group tends to vote with the most frequency?

a. White, high-income, highly educated Americans

b. White middle-income, highly educated Americans

c. African American, high-income, highly education Americans

d. Asian American, high-income, highly educated Americans

11. In The Federalist, No. 10, Madison argued

a. All of these

b. That faction and class divisions fueled populist uprisings.

c. That those who had and did not have property would always be contending with one another and form interest groups to carry on their battles.

d. That "the various and unequal distribution of property" fueled faction.

12. Because of the winner-take-all Electoral College system, a presidential candidate with a narrow popular vote win

a. Will have about the same percentages in the Electoral College.

b. Can still have a very large margin of victory in the Electoral College vote.

c. None of these.

d. Will only show a very small margin in the Electoral College vote.

13. Universal issues

a. Refer mostly to issues that affect the majority white population, not minorities.

b. Affect all able-bodied people, but not the disabled.

c. Affect all people in the US, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc.

d. Affect citizens but not immigrants.

14. Besides parents and schools, what other agents of political socialization are there?

a. Labor unions

b. All of these

c. Religious leaders

d. The media

15. Social movements have been important sources of social, political, and economic change in the United States.



16. Public opinion matters because

a. Frequently, it misleads politicians.

b. More often than not, it distracts legislators from doing the right thing.

c. Our government is guided by legislators' opinions.

d. Our representatives in government should reflect voters' opinions.

17. What branch of government is targeted the most by advocacy organizations of the marginalized?

a. The courts

b. The state legislatures

c. The president

d. The Congress

18. Conservative and liberal ideologies differ mostly on

a. Defense policy only.

b. Civil rights.

c. Campaign finance reform.

d. Economic and social issues.

19. More Americans consider themselves "independents" than in the past.



20. The main agents of political socialization are

a. All of these.

b. Schools.

c. Community leaders.

d. Family.

21. Which country has mandatory voting laws?

a. Great Britain

b. South Africa

c. The United States

d. Turkey

22. Voter turnout varies with the type of election. From highest to lowest the order in the US would be:

a. Primary elections, mid-term elections, presidential elections.

b. Presidential elections, mid-term elections, primary elections

c. State elections, mid-term election, presidential elections.

d. Mid-term elections, primary elections, presidential elections.

23. The four types of issues that advocacy groups deal with are

a. Majority issues, disadvantaged sub-group issues, advantaged sub-group issues, and Social Security issues

b. Universal issues, majority issues, disadvantaged sub-group issues, and advantaged sub-group issues

c. Universal issues, majority issues, discrimination issues, and advantaged sub-group issues

d. Universal discrimination issues, majority-minority issues, advantage sub-group issues, and disadvantaged sub-group issues

24. The Democratic Party has a conservative ideology.



25. Why do the campaign staffs of presidential candidates pass up large states like California and Texas to concentrate on smaller states like New Mexico or Ohio?

a. It is easier to persuade people in the small states.

b. The large states are reliably red or blue, so the campaigns go after states where the vote is closer and they can take all of the votes even with a small win.

c. The large states are just too expensive for campaigning.

d. The large states are just a few and there are more votes altogether in the small states.

26. Older people tend to have more party loyalty than younger people.



27. Extreme and persistent polarization of members of Congress has been a feature of American politics since about

a. WWII.

b. The late 1970s.

c. 2008.

d. The 1960s.

28. The US has one of the highest voter turn out rates in the Free World.



29. The rules for voting are consistent across the nation.



30. Alexis de Tocqueville

a. Found few religious associations in America.

b. Wrote his great book Democracy in America at a time when Americans were forming many interest groups and associations in the 1830s.

c. Was appalled at the number of commercial and manufacturing associations he found in America.

d. Wrote at the time of the American revolution in the 1780s.

31. Why do both the government and private sector assemble data on public opinion?

a. Americans believe in the democratic process, and therefore value public opinion.

b. The United States has a representative form of government; therefore, public opinion is important to lawmakers.

c. Public opinion polls are the best way to measure what people think.

d. All of these

32. An example of an interest group offering a benefit to encourage people to join their organization is

a. District attorneys offering reduced sentences for testimony about a crime.

b. The American Association of Retire People (AARP) offering travel discounts

.c. Hospitals offering charitable care to indigent patients.

d. Congressmen providing assistance to constituents.

33. With regard to ideology, Americans

a. Tend to identify with a party by their mid 20s.

b. Tend to stay identified with a political party consistently the rest of their lives.

c. Tend to choose a political affiliation early in life.

d. All of these.

34. Advocacy groups for the marginalized are likely to form coalitions for what reason?

a. All of these.

b. To have more credibility with the political elites.

c. To compound the strength of their numbers.

d. To marshall scarce resources.

35. The following is an example of an interest group:

a. National Air and Space Administration (NASA)

b. American Association of University Professors (AAUP)

c. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

d. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

36. Political outsiders and excluded groups engage in which of the following activities?

a. All of these

b. Street theater

c. Demonstrations

d. Sit-ins

37. The higher your income status, the more likely you are to

a. Participate in a political campaign meeting.

b. Give a political campaign donation.

c. Do political campaign work.

d. All of these.

38. The pluralist view of power in action can be summed up as follows:

a. Interests compete for political power, resources, and money, but no one dominates the playing field.

b. Interests compete for political power until one group dominates the playing field.

c. None of these.

d. Interest groups compete for political power until one group wins by garnering the most resources.

39. National organizations that file amicus curiae briefs are targeting

a. The Federal Reserve Bank.

b. The presidency.

c. The Congress.

d. The courts.

40. The difference between direct democracy and representative democracy is that in the former the voter votes directly on the issue, while in later the voter votes for a person who will vote for the voter.



41. E.E. Schactschneider says about the interest groups that claim to work for poor people

a. None of these.

b. That they may be making things worse for these people.

c. That they are able to accomplish a great deal even though the poor do not join those groups.

d. That they do a good job even without handing out small benefits to attract people to their group.

42. What is the basis for the number of electors each state receives in the Electoral College?

a. The number of eligible voters in that state.

b. The current population of that state.

c. The number of representatives it has in Congress.

d. The population of that state, based on the most recent census.

43. In Federalist No. 10, Madison wrote a great deal about his fears that faction would work against the public interest.



44. Wealthy people are far more likely to participate in interest groups than poor people.



45. De Tocqueville saw political groups as a "necessary evil" in American democracy.



46. According to Dara Strolovitch, we should scrutinize advocacy organizations that claim to represent the marginalized like anything else and have standards for questioning their effectiveness.



47. Although there have been many parties in American history,

a. We have always had two major political parties that represent liberal and conservative views.

b. We have always had at least four major political parties at any one time.

c. We have always had one dominant and one weak political party.

d. We have only had about six political parties in our history.

48. The cell-phone only population is likely to include more young people, which pollsters have to take into account



49. According to Jackson, what is a current practice of various states that may prove a barrier to voting?

Preventing anybody who is the child of an immigrant from votingb.

Requiring voters to show a particular kind of ID at the pollc.

Requiring that a naturalized citizen refrain from voting for 10 yearsd.

Allowing felons to vote once their prison sentences are over

50. What is the main means for reaching voters?

a. Robo calls.

b. Television

c. Websites.

d. Twitter.

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Dissertation: What branch of government is targeted the most by advocacy
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