
What bold statement did simon peter make


Part I

1. What is the writer's major objective in the section 13:1-17:26? 13:1. Bruce, p. 278.

2. How does Jesus' love "for his own" compare to God's love for the world? 13:1 (cf. John 3:16).

3. Explain why Jesus laid aside his garments. 13:4. Bruce, p. 280.

4. What is the connection of verse 3 to washing the disciples' feet? 13:3-5. Bruce, p. 280.

5. Why did Peter say to Jesus "You will never wash my feet?" 13:8. Bruce, p. 281.

6. What spiritual application did Jesus relate to his washing the disciples' feet? 13:10. Bruce, p. 283.

7. Do you think Jesus intended foot washing to become a religious ceremony? What practical application should Jesus' followers make of his washing the disciples' feet? 13:12-17. Bruce, p. 285.

8. Explain whether the prophecy of Jesus' betrayal might eliminate Judas Iscariot's power of choice? 13:18-19 (cf. Psalm 41:9). Bruce, p. 287.

9. On which occasion is the "disciple whom Jesus loved" first mentioned? 13:21-23. Bruce, p. 289.

10. Compare the posture for eating on special occasions with the normal posture for eating in Jesus' day. Bruce, pp. 289f.

11. Do you agree with Bruce that Satan could not have entered Judas had he not granted him permission? Explain. 13:27. Bruce, p. 290.

12. How did the other disciples understand Jesus' words to Judas "What you do, do quickly?" 13:27-30.

13. To what event does Jesus point in verse 31. Bruce, pp. 291,293.

14. In what sense is the commandment to love one another a new commandment? 13:34 (cf. Matthew 22:27-40). Bruce, p. 294.

15. What did Tertullian (200 A.D.) report that pagans of his day said about Christians? Bruce, p. 294.

16. What bold statement did Simon Peter make? 13:37.

17. Concerning which things were the apostles probably troubled? 14:1. Bruce, p. 297.

18. Compare various translations of John 14:2 and comment. For what purpose did Jesus say he was going away?

19. For what purpose did Jesus say he would return? 14:3.

20. Analyze and discuss the meaning of John 14:6. Bruce, p. 298.

21. What statement of Jesus caused Philip to say "Lord, show us the Father?" 14:7-8.

22. Knowledge of the mutual indwelling of the Father and the Son is based on what two things? 14:10-11.

23. What "greater works" than those which Jesus performed would his believing disciples be able to do? 14:12. Bruce, p. 300.

24. What did Jesus mean by "in my name?" 14:13.

25. Love for Christ is shown in what way? 14:15 (cf. 1 John 5:3).

26. What or who is the Paraclete? What does the word mean? 14:16f. Bruce, pp. 301f.

27. In the statement "I will not leave you desolate," define desolate. 14:18. Bruce, p. 303.

28. Explain Bruce's expression "threefold coinherence" concerning verse 20. Bruce, p. 304.

29. What two things would the Holy Spirit do for the disciples? 14:26.

30. How could Jesus say "The Father is greater than I" (verse 28) and then say "I and the Father are one"? (10:30). Bruce, p. 307, footnote 15.

31. What kind of victory is suggested by verses 30-31? Bruce, p. 306.

32. Identify the vine and branches of this parable. How are they related? 15:1-6. Bruce, p. 308 (cf. Bruce, p. 316, footnote 2).

33. Read verses 15:4-6 carefully. Comment on their implications. (See also Ezekiel 15:1-8).

34. What is the distinction between "words" (rhemata) of verse 7 and the "word" (logos) of verse 3. Bruce, p. 309.

35. How is the Father glorified? 15:8 (cf. 13:31).

36. Explain verse 10 in comparison to John 3:16.

37. What is the greatest proof of one's love? 15:13 (cf. I John 3:16; Romans 5: 8-10).

38. Why did Jesus call his disciples friends rather than slaves? 15:15. Bruce, p. 312.

39. Did the disciples first choose Jesus, or did he first choose them? What does that suggest? 15:16.

40. For what reason would the disciples incur the hatred of the world? 15:18f. Bruce, p. 313.

41. Would persecution necessarily be the lot of Jesus' disci¬ples? 15:20-21 (cf. Matthew 10:16-25; Acts 9:4).

42. Why would the Jews who saw and heard Jesus bear a heavier respon¬sibility than their predecessors? 15:22-24 (cf. Matthew 11: 20-24).

43. Locate and comment on the Old Testament scripture that was fulfilled in the Jews' hatred of Jesus. 15:25. Bruce, p. 315.

44. Who would bear witness to Christ after he is gone? 15:26f.

Part II

1. What specific forms of persecution did Jesus predict of His disci¬ples? 16:1-2.

2. Read the following passages and comment on their relevance to verses 1-2 (Acts 7:58; 9:1-2; 22:20; 26: 10; Philippians 3:6; I Timothy 1:13).

3. What is the fundamental reason that some would persecute Christ's followers? 16:3.

4. Even though Jesus would soon leave His disciples, what spe¬cial promise did He give them? 16:5-7.

5. What new element in the Paraclete's mission does Jesus reveal? 16:8-11.

6. Although the Paraclete is advocate and comforter for believers, what will his position be in relation to unbelievers? 16:8. Bruce, p. 318.

7. In what way would the Paraclete be a token of judgment upon "the ruler of this world?" 16:11. Bruce, p. 319.

8. Explain the role of the Paraclete as revealer of "truth."

9. Does this mean "all truth?" Does that role pertain to the special disciples (Apostles) only, or to all believers? 16:13-15. Bruce, p. 320.

10. As a matter of review, list the five functions of the Spir-it. Bruce, p. 321.

11. Study verses 16-19. What was Jesus saying? Bruce, pp. 321f.

12. Explain v. 20. When would the world rejoice, and when would the disciples sorrow "be turned into joy?" Bruce, p. 322.

13. What illustration does Jesus use to show that the disciples' time of sorrow will later turn to joy? 16:21f. (cf. 20:20).

14. What bearing does verse 26 have on Christ's role as Mediator between his followers and God? Bruce, p. 324.

15. What did the disciples mean by saying that Jesus had no need to be asked questions? 16:29-30. Bruce, p. 325.

16. What is "the world" and how would Jesus overcome it? 16:33. Bruce, p. 326.

17. What is the most appropriate title for the prayer by Jesus in Chap¬ter 17? Why? Bruce, p. 328.

18. What "hour" has finally come? 17:1.

19. What is necessary for one to have eternal life? 17:3. Bruce, p. 329.

20. While in the flesh, how had Jesus glorified the Father? 17:4.

21. What request shows that the Word (logos) was eternally with the Father? 17:5.

22. How had the selected disciples proved themselves? 17:6. Bruce, p. 331.

23. How could Jesus speak with confidence of his weak disciples "in the perfect tense?" 17:10. Bruce, p. 331.

24. What is the meaning of Jesus' prayer "Holy Father, keep them in thy name?" 17:11. Bruce, p. 332.

25. Who is "the son of perdition" of verse 12, and to what scripture does Jesus allude? Bruce, pp. 287, 332.

26. Do you think Jesus intended for his followers to remove themselves from the world and live as monks or hermits? 17:15. Read I Peter 2:9-15. Bruce, p. 333.

27. Discuss the meaning of the word "sanctify" in verse 17. Consult a Bible Dictionary or Greek Lexicon. See Acts 9:13 and I Corinthians 1:1-2).

28. Discuss the concept of unity among believers for which Jesus prayed. 17:20f. Bruce, p. 335.

29. What does Jesus pray for his disciples relative to his glory? 17:24.

30. Identify Kidron (or Kedron). 18:1.

31. Why does the writer state "Judas also, who betrayed him, knew the place?" 18:2.

32. Summarize the account of Judas, the soldiers, and the officers arresting Jesus. 18:3-13. Bruce, p. 340.

33. What caused the soldiers and officers to fall backward as Jesus identified himself? 18:5-6. Bruce, p. 341.

34. In light of 17:12, explain verse 9. Bruce, p. 342.

35. Of what well-meant but inappropriate act was Peter now guilty? 18:10.

36. Why would the Evangelist, unlike the Synoptists, mention the servant's name whose ear was severed? 18:10. Bruce, p. 342.

37. What was the principal reason for Jesus' rebuke of Peter for wielding the sword? 18:11.

38. Give the relationship of Annas and Caiaphas. 18:13. Bruce, p. 343.

39. Why was Jesus first taken to Annas for questioning? 18:13. Bruce, p. 343.

40. Was Jesus tried before Annas and Caiaphas during the day or at night? 18:28 (cf. Luke 22:66). Bruce, p. 345.

41. How did Jesus answer Annas when asked concerning his teaching? 18:19-21.

42. What reason did a temple officer give for striking Jesus? 18:22.

43. Does Peter's threefold denial of Jesus mean that he com¬pletely lost his faith? 18:25-27 (cf. 13:38; I Peter 1:3).

44. What does Bruce say about the absence of details concerning Jesus' appearance before Caiaphas? 18:28. Bruce, p. 348-9.

45. Why would entering the Roman praetorium constitute defile¬ment for the Jews? 18:28. Bruce, p. 349.

46. Define Pilate's official position. 18:29. Bruce, p. 349.

47. What two things are suggested by the Jews' answer to Pilate "It is not lawful for us to put any man to death?" 18:31. Bruce, pp. 350f.

48. According to the Evangelist, why was it necessary for the Roman authorities to give the sentence of death to Jesus? 18: 31f. (cf. Leviticus 24:16). Bruce, p. 351.

49. What claim by Jesus could be interpreted that he was equally "king of the Jews" and "the Son of God"? Bruce, p. 352.

50. What does Jesus' answer to Pilate, as found in verse 36, show as to the nature of His kingdom (kingship)? Bruce, p. 353.

51. Did Pilate understand that Jesus was not claiming to be an earthly (or political) king? 18:37-38. Bruce, p. 354 (cf. footnote 26, p. 357).

52. What was Pilate's official verdict concerning the charges made against Jesus? 18:38.

53. Pilate reminds the Jews of what custom the Roman authori¬ties adhered to at each Passover? What was the result? 18:39-40.

54. For what likely reason did Pilate have Jesus scourged? 19:1. Bruce, p. 358.

55 Describe how the soldiers mocked Jesus. 19:1-3.

56. Explain "Behold the man!" 19:5. Bruce, p. 359 and footnote 3, p. 380.

57. Rather than asking for Jesus to be released, what did the chief priests and officers say? 19:6.

58 Were the Jews glad that the soldiers mocked Jesus as "King of the Jews?" Bruce, p. 360.

59 In what way did the Jewish leaders change their accusation? 19:7 (cf. Leviticus 24:16). Bruce, pp. 360f.

60 Why did Jesus not answer Pilate's question? 19:9. Bruce, p. 361.

61 Comment on human and divine power (authority) as suggested by Pilate's and Jesus' statements in verses 10-11. See Romans 13:1-7.

62 Why did those who delivered Jesus to Pilate bear the "greater sin?" 19:11. Bruce, p. 362.

63. Despite his desire to vindicate Jesus, what did the Jews say that caused Pilate to capitulate? 19:12. Bruce, p. 363.

64. Did Jesus carry his own cross (verse 17), or was Simon of Cyrene compelled to carry his cross (Matthew 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26). Bruce, p. 366.

65. Explain the terms Golgotha and Calvary. 19:17. Bruce, p. 367.

66. With whom was Jesus crucified? 19:18 (cf. Matthew 27:38; Mark 15:27; Luke 23:33, 39-43).

67. 7 What title, and in what languages, did Pilate put on the cross? Does the Evangelist see a significance in that? 19: 19-22. Bruce, p. 369.

68 Which prophecy was fulfilled as the soldiers cast lots (dice) for Jesus' garment? 19:23-25.

69. Along with Jesus' mother, what other women stood by the cross? 19:25. Bruce, p. 371.

70. What is suggested by Jesus committing the care of his mother to a beloved disciple? 19:26-27. Bruce, p. 371.

71. Give the meaning of "It is finished." 19:30. Bruce, p. 374.

72. Why did the Jews want the legs of those crucified to be broken? 19:31ff. (cf. Deuteronomy 21:22f). What prophecy does the writer relate to not breaking Jesus' legs? Bruce, p. 377.

73. According to the Evangelist, when Jesus' side was pierced there came out blood and water. What conclusions might be drawn from that? 19:34. Bruce, pp. 375f.

74. What does the Evangelist declare about his testimony concerning the crucifixion of Jesus? 19:35.

75. Why would Pilate readily release the body of Jesus to Joseph of Arimathaea? 19:38. Bruce, p. 378.

76. What part did Nicodemus have in the burial of Jesus? 19:39f. Bruce, p. 379.

77. Where was Jesus buried, and why the urgency to bury him that day? 19:41f. Bruce, p. 379.

78. What was the "crowning emphasis" of the primitive apostolic message? Bruce, p. 383.

79. Which two cycles of resurrection appearances are found in John 20 and 21? Bruce, p. 383.

80. The Fourth Gospel only mentions Mary Magdalene (Mary of Magdala) coming to the tomb. How does this compare to other gospels? 20:1 (cf. Mark 16:1f.). Bruce, p. 384.

81. What act of Simon Peter demonstrates his characteristic impetuosity? 20:3-6. Bruce, p. 385.

82. Describe the linen clothes in which Jesus' body had been buried. 20:6-7. Bruce, p. 385, and footnote 5, p. 396.

83. What caused "the other disciple" to be¬lieve? 20:8-9. Bruce, pp. 385f.

84. Did any of Jesus' disciples believe in Jesus' resurrection prior to his appearances? 20:9. Bruce, p. 386.

85. What importance to apostolic preaching was the account of the empty tomb? Bruce, pp. 386f.

86. Did the mere fact that the tomb was empty indicate to Mary that Jesus had risen? 20:2,13,15.

87. What convinced Mary that Jesus was alive? v. 16. Bruce, p. 389.

88 What did Jesus mean: "Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended unto the Father?" 20:17. Bruce, p. 390.

89. When did Jesus first appear to all of the apostles, with the exception of Thomas? 20:19-20.

90. What unmistakable evidence convinced the apostles that the crucified Jesus was alive? 20:20. Bruce, p. 391.

91. At this appearance what commission did Jesus give his apostles? 20:21-23.

92. Define apostle. Bruce, p. 391. (cf. footnote 18, pp. 396f.)

93. In what sense would the apostles be able to remit and retain sins? 20:23.

94. What did Thomas require to convince him of Jesus' resurrection? 20:24f. Bruce, p. 393.

95. What statement of Thomas demonstrates he accepted the deity of Christ? 20:27f.

96. By what means would people later be led to have faith in the resurrection, and thus in the deity of Christ? 20:29. Bruce, pp. 394f.

97. From the many signs performed by Jesus, the Evangelist says he recorded a few for what purpose? 20:30f. Bruce, p. 395.

98. Although in one respect this chapter seems to read like an addition to the original work, list three points of evidence that it is genuine. Bruce, p. 398.

99. Back in Galilee, after seeing Jesus in Jerusalem (20:26-29), what did Peter propose to six other apostles, and with what results? 21:1-3.

100. When Jesus told the seven disciples to cast the net on the right side of the boat, what happened? 21:4-6.

101. On learning that it was Jesus who spoke to them from the beach, what did Peter do which again shows his impetuous nature? 21:7. Bruce, p. 400.

102. Give the meaning of a fish as a symbol for the Christian faith in the early centuries. Bruce, p. 403.

103. What is the probable significance of Jesus' asking Peter three times if he (Peter) loved him (Jesus)? 21:15-17. Bruce, p. 404.

104. Study Bruce's discussion of the two words for "love" (agapao and phileo) as used by Jesus in verses 15-17. What would you conclude is the basic difference in meaning, and how does it impact his message to Peter? Bruce, pp. 404f.

105. Explain Bruce's words "Now to the evangelist's hook there is added the pastor's crook." Bruce, p. 405.

106. What did Jesus predict concerning Peter's death? 21:18f. Bruce, p. 406.

107. What did Jesus tell Peter relative to the future of "the beloved disciple" and what speculation did that raise later? 21:20-23

108. Summarize and comment on the first and second postscripts of this Gospel. 21:24-25. Bruce, p. 410.

109. What is the real climax of the "Good News" story as presented in the Gospel of John? Bruce, p. 411.

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