
What benefits will going online bring what effects will

Everybody Needs an Internet Strategy An Internet strategy addresses the reasons businesses want to "go online." "Going online" because it seems like the right thing to do now or because everyone else is doing it is not a good enough reason.

A business must decide how it will best utilize the Internet for its particular needs.

It must plan for where it wants to go and how best the Internet can help shape that vision. Before developing a strategy a business should spend time on the Internet, see what similar businesses have grown, and what is most feasible, given a particular set of resources.

Think of a new online business opportunity and answer the following questions:

1. Why do you want to put your business online?

2. What benefits will going online bring?

3. What effects will being connected to the Internet have on your staff, suppliers, and customers?

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HR Management: What benefits will going online bring what effects will
Reference No:- TGS02642782

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