
What benefits do media and technology have for your career

Assignment written

1. Alternative Topic Assignment: There are lots of topics in the news and lots of topics mentioned in class. For this journal you can research any topic that you are interested in learning something more about. In your journal tell me what you learned -- please include your sources/references; also add your thoughts and feelings about the topic.

2. Standard Topic Assignment: Impact of Media and Technology on My Career Field

This journal entry is designed to get you thinking about how media and technology are impacting your career field, including the economics of your field

Find and read articles about the impact of technology and media on your career field.

Use this assignment to increase your networking contacts. Contact a professional in your career field and ask them how technology and media has changed their job and their company/organization.

What benefits do media and technology have for your career field? What disadvantages do media and technology have for your career field? For example, technology now allows one Law Clerk to do the legal research for a Law firm that used to require 12 Law Clerks. The downside, Law firms need fewer Law Clerks (a typical job for recent law school graduates); Law firms save money, but their are fewer jobs for Lawyers -- this is an example of the "economic" impact. Another example: Children's Hospitals are using Pokemon Go to motivate patients to get out of bed and boost their morale.

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Dissertation: What benefits do media and technology have for your career
Reference No:- TGS02274201

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