
What became important to you as you worked how do you see

Assignment: Argument as Visual Artifact


This project will exercise your knowledge of genre analysis, rhetorical analysis and composing for specific audiences, as it asks you to rhetorically represent the data from your Project 3A researched argument in a visual artifact that you will design.

As your instructor, I will use this assignment to assess your achievement on the following two goals:

1. to practice using rhetorical concepts such as audience awareness and visual rhetoric to translate your researched argument into a visual argument

2. to practice reflection writing to articulate your rhetorical and visual design choices

Assignment Prompt:

The Reflection

This reflection should describe your own rhetorical decision-making process as you were creating your artifact-each member of your collaborative writing group will compose their own 500-1000 word reflection. Your reflection piece should make connections between this project/piece and the bigger picture of the course learning outcomes. To get you started, use brainstorming and freewriting to address some of the questions below:

? What became important to you as you worked?

? Were there material or time constraints that factored in to your composing process?

? How did you decide on a starting point based on your audience and the message you wanted to send?

? As you think back on this project, write about your individual choices in terms of visual argument (color, layout, size of images and text, font choice, white space, balance, emphasis, etc.). Why did you make each choice?

? As you look at your project now, were those choices effective? Why or why not?

? As you worked on your visual artifact, how did you decide to prioritize your data, and compose an artifact representing that data? How do these priorities reflect your purpose as a rhetor?

? How do you see yourself using rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos and logos) in your artifact? What is the evidence of this?

? What has become most important to you in this composing process? Why?

? What can you tell about yourself as a rhetor from completing this project?

The Presentation: Elevator Pitch

Your presentation will be simple and fairly straightforward. You will be presenting your artifact to the class as well as at the Student Writing Showcase. You will want to concisely, accurately, and persuasively describe your argument and its implications (what is at stake? why should your popular audience care?) in a 25-30 second pitch. You will also want to talk about your visual design choices and your rhetorical choices in presenting this argument. This a "friendly," casual presentation (no suits required!). However, you will want to be thoughtful in preparation, and clear and organized in presentation, out of respect for your colleagues.

Minimum Requirements:

? Visual artifact representing the argument(s) in your group's P3a text(s)
? 500-1000 word Reflective Piece
? In-class presentation of visual artifact with elevator pitch (25-30 seconds)
? Student Writing Showcase presentation of artifact (with written annotation).

Attachment:- Project.rar

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Other Subject: What became important to you as you worked how do you see
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