
What basic problems facing the young nation at the end of

Each of your posts must be a minimum of one paragraph in length and follow the stated guidelines. Creative and original thinking are always appreciated, as is going outside of the required reading to find information pertaining to your posts. The intent of the discussion board prompt/post exercise is to stimulate critical thinking and intellectual discourse.

This week you are again required to use, and correctly cite, at least one outside source in your original response to a prompt. This does not mean that you necessarily have to parenthetically cite your sources (i.e. Jones 2014:256).

The only time this is appropriate is for direct quotes (i.e. something a person says, not something written in your source unless they are one and the same) or when a source has information that is uncommon or controversial (i.e. England won the American Revolution). What I am looking for is more of a Bibliography instead of a Works Cited page. In other words, I want to see the type/level of the research you did to help answer the prompt. Remember to ONLY USE YOUR OWN WORDS.

What basic problems facing the young nation at the end of the war had to be solved immediately? What kind of problems could wait?


"After the revolution, Loyalists and Native Americans both suffered from diminished freedoms. Native Americans and Loyalists had a diminish in their freedoms after the revolution because patriots viewed them as threats to their newly gained independence." Loyalists were people who were still "loyal" to the British crown. Obviously the Loyalists would receive opposition from the Americans because American's wanted to weed out anyone on their land that they felt was a threat to their freedom.

These loyalists endured hardships such as harsh enforcement laws, and also the Americans seized much of their property with no intent to return it. The Native Americans lost some freedoms after the Revolution in a different way. Once the colonists won the Revolutionary war, they also believed they won complete ownership of much the land in America.

The Native Americans, with nowhere else to retreat to, like the Loyalists, were forced to either give up their land to the colonists or try and share their land with them. This is the reasons why reservations were formed and they were forced to live within those specific boundaries.

The Native Americans were in a tight spot during the Revolutionary war. They had to choose to fight alongside either the loyalists or the patriots. Many tribes took the side of the British, which gave the Americans a bad taste for the Native Americans and it affected their freedom after the war.

According to ushistory, "Cherokees and Creeks (among others tribes) in the southern interior and most Iroquois nations in the northern interior provided crucial support to the British war effort".The Americans winning freedom from Britain definitely removed the Native Americans freedom of living on their own land, and the\ Natives did not receive the liberty they were hoping for.

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History: What basic problems facing the young nation at the end of
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