The CE amplifier circuit of Figure is biased with a constant-current source I. It is required to design the circuit (i.e., find values for I, RB, and RC) to meet the following specifications:
(a) Rin ?10 kΩ
(b) The dc voltage drop across RB is approximately 0.2 V.
(c) The open-circuit voltage gain from base to collector is the maximum possible, consistent with the requirement that the collector voltage never fall by more than approximately 0.4 V below the base voltage with the signal between base and emitter being as high as 5 mV.
Assume that vsig is a sinusoidal source, the available supply VCC =5 V, and the transistor has β=100.
Use standard 5% resistance values, and specify the value of I to one significant digit. What base-to-collector open-circuit voltage gain does your design provide? If Rsig =RL =20 kΩ, what is the overall voltage gain?