
What balance sheet format does your company usewhat is the

Answer the Questions

Using the Annual Report of your selected company answer the following questions in the Discussion:

• What balance sheet format does your company use?
• What is the company's largest current asset and largest current liability at year end?
• Compute the current ratio at year end.
• Did the current ratio improve, worsen, or hold steady?

Post the name of your selected company and the link to the statement with your discussion post. You may use a service such as Yahoo Finance (Links to an external site.) to help research industry averages. The notes to the financial statements will also be of use in answering the discussion questions. For many of the ratios in the discussion, you will need 2-3 years' worth of financial data.

The selected company isHost Hotels and Resort, Inc. (Datamonitor, 2014)

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Corporate Finance: What balance sheet format does your company usewhat is the
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