
What background material is relevant what is our thesis or


3 Parts Research Project - General Instructions and List of Topics

Research paper focused on the selected topic, must be reflective of a graduate-level academic research paper. The Research Project will be assembled throughout the course by producing several deliverables:

- Module/Week 1: Annotated Bibliography (Due: Tuesday Sep 12)
- Module/Week 2: Outline (Due: Monday Sep 18)
- Module/Week 4: Final Document (Due Friday Sep 29)


Quality Improvement in Health care; Applying the Healthcare Matrix in other non-hospital applications, does it work? (Clinics, clinics, elderly homes, mental institutions, etc.)

PART I: Research Paper - Annotated Bibliography Instructions

After choosing a topic (Applying healthcare matrix in clinics, elderly homes, mental institutions, etc.) for the Research Paper, this assignment must be used as a beginning point in the research for your project. It may also be used to help you begin exploring ideas or concepts you find interesting within the realm of the topics covered in the course. Identify at least 6-7 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals addressing your topic. All references must be less than 10 years old. The assignment must be in current APA format.

The annotated bibliography includes:

• A brief statement regarding the author and his or her credentials as an authority.
• A concise statement regarding the relevance of the article for your topic.
• A salient or meaningful quote from the article that you would likely cite if you were to write an essay on this topic.

PART II: Research Project - Outline Instructions

Your will complete a full sentence Outline for the second part of the Research Project. The Outline must include a thesis statement, the research question(s)/issues being addressed, and a preliminary reference list of at least 6-7 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals. All references must be less than 10 years old. When the assignment is returned, read all instructor feedback in order to implement it on future assignments.

What to consider in the outline:

1. What is the topic?
2. Why is it significant?
3. What background material is relevant?
4. What is our thesis or purpose statement?
5. What organizational plan will best support our purpose?

PART III: Research Project - Final Document Instructions

Using your research, and Outline, work on a 6 pages paper, complying with the formatting and content instructions below.


• 5 full pages, double-spaced, not including title, Abstract, and reference pages
• Times New Roman, 12-point font
• One-inch margins
• Current APA format
• At least 6-7 scholarly articles from peer reviewed journals, each less than 10 years old
• Block quotations for any quotes more than 40 words:

o Single-spaced with a double space separating quotes
o Indented 5 spaces from the left margin
o No quotation marks

• Reference page in current APA format including active URL links
• Single spacing between references and double spacing within the reference


• A title page that includes:
• Abstract (in block format)
• Content of your topic and/or paper (review the associated grading rubric)
• Conclusion
• References.

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Business Management: What background material is relevant what is our thesis or
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