
What background information should the reader be aware of

Problem: Let the stanza hunting begin. Please find a poem that inspires (it can be about Los Angeles but doesn't have to be) and answer the following questions for five points:


1. What background information should the reader be aware of in order to fully understand of the poem?

2. What is the poem's basic argument, and why is it found so compelling?

Find one secondary source--a source outside the poem itself that analyzes, assesses or interprets the primary work. Secondary sources often offer a review, a critique, or observations about the piece. Secondary sources can include books, journal articles, speeches, reviews, research reports, and more. Use the source to support the reading of the poem.

3. Relate one quote (set-up with a signal phrase) and all of the MLA data for the source below. For example: a) James argues that Mark Twain "was the quintessential America writer." b) MLA data

4. Basic online source model: Author. "Title." Title of container (self contained if book), Other contributors (translators or editors), Version (edition), Number (vol. and/or no.), Publisher, Publication Date, Location (pages, paragraphs and/or URL, DOI or permalink). 2nd container's title, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location, Date of Access (if applicable).

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Reference No:- TGS03304368

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