
What background did your interviewee have on the subject


In no less than 550 words, use the textbook and the corresponding lectures (you must use both) to construct a larger paper addressing your interviewee's understanding of American colonial history. What background did your interviewee have on the subject matter? What beliefs does your interviewee hold about the period that are true or untrue? Did your interviewee have any misunderstandings about the period? And finally, did living/not living and working/not working in Philadelphia impact any of these beliefs? What do think this means regarding how modern Philadelphians and Americans understand their the colonial history of their city?

In addition to the oral history interview you created, use the following sources to support your position:

- The presentation slides and notes
- The textbook

You must use both types of sources in a meaningful way. For example, if you cite each just once in a way that doesn't improve the quality of your argument, this would impact the overall grade of the paper. Someone who cites both types of sources in a meaningful way multiple times throughout the paper would receive a higher overall mark than someone who does not.

You are required to use the Chicago Manual of Style citation method for this paper, the system in which all citation methods are based, and used today by historians and scholars (which you have become through conducting the oral history!). I have provided documents, a video, and an example essay to help assist you with using this format. This information is available in this module.

Text Book: The American Yawp- Collaboratively Built American History.

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History: What background did your interviewee have on the subject
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