What avenues are now open to trent

Discussion Post

Three people applied to you for an opening as a lathe operator. One is totally unqualified. One is experienced, but has a poor attitude. The third lacks experience, but seems especially eager for the job; you think she would be a good worker if she had more experience, but you're not sure. You have some rush work you need to get out. Which of the following courses would you choose?

• If the eager applicant has good references, hire her for a probationary period. But keep looking for a more qualified person in case she doesn't work out.

• Pass up the three applicants. Keep looking.

• Hire the experienced person, ignoring his attitude-you've got work to get out!

1) Say what you would do and why you would choose that option.

2) What avenues are now open to Trent? What does this case say to you about the need for supervisors to act morally?

The response should include a reference list. Using double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Engineering: What avenues are now open to trent
Reference No:- TGS03134279

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