Assignment task: Instant messaging is a significant development in both horizontal and vertical communication; however, the majority of people are unaware of its operations;
Q1. Describe how the Chat group phenomenon affects the choice of the channel for a communication management topic.
Q2. What aspects of the Newsgroups' SWOT analysis are present all around and occasionally through management?
Q3. Discuss the differences between client/server and mainframe computing in ICT communications and other fields.
Q4. Describe the hierarchical (hybrid) network of computing for management. interconnect how the bus network's nodes in ICt can be managed; provide an explanation for the management applications of the Metropolitan Area Network (MAN); determine the purpose of the satellite and how it can be used to manage microwave relay stations; and explain how the fiber-optic cable can be useful in controlling electronic interference in office management.
Q5. In the event that the coaxial cable does not function as required by the management team for efficiency, what is the alternative?