What aspects of the course did you like best

Assignment task: What aspects of the course did you like best? Least? Why? What course goals and objectives were best achieved for you? Least? Why? What would you like to have done differently? Why? How could I improve this class for future semesters? What activities should I keep, and what ones should I consider altering or dropping? What assignment did you learn the most from/like the best?  The least? Why? Any other aspect of the course is open for you to reflect on as well-I've merely tried to get you started with these questions.

In addition to reflecting on your own performance in the course, you are encouraged to reflect on the instruction of the course as well. Please know that any negative critique of the course's instruction, or the course itself, will not be taken personally and absolutely will not affect your grade for the course. I'm always looking to improve as an instructor, so it's helpful for me to hear your honest feedback.

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Reference No:- TGS03354057

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