
What aspects of organizational culture impact sustainable

1) Organizational readiness refers to an organization's ability and willingness to accomplish a specific change. It is the degree of the strength of the organization'sculture that affects the ability of participants to make the necessary transitionthrough the emotional impacts caused by the change. To be truly institutionalizedand integrated into the organization's life, change must occur at the deepest level ofthe organization: its culture.

2) What aspects of organizational culture impact sustainable change (Step 7, Don't LetUp)? What are some strategies to institutionalize to ensure the organization doesnot go back to the old way?

3) You are a consultant called in to provide recommendations to the CEO of XYZCorporation. A change effort has been underway for one year. The CEO observesthat some of the managers in the company are losing enthusiasm for the changeeffort. They think they are successful because they've achieved some short-termgains. They seem to have a business as usual approach and have lost their sighton the long-term gains. What recommendations would you make to the CEO?

4) What are the key concepts you can take from Kanter's message and apply to yourlife both personal and professional? Review Kanter's Message Here and ReviewKanter in Conversation Here.

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Business Management: What aspects of organizational culture impact sustainable
Reference No:- TGS02182416

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