
What aspect of oya system you learned about in your research


Chapter 6 discuss different types of sanctions that are imposed on delinquent youth, including commitment to youth institutions. For a bit of local information, I want you to learn a little about the Oregon Youth Authority, or OYA.

The OYA takes custody of youth who are entering into youth correctional programs here in Oregon. The Oregon Youth Authority has a ton of info on their website and they have a bunch of videos on their youtube channel that show the facilities, employees, and events. If you search, there are also news articles about various topics. Look for some specifics that interest you -- for example, how does OYA deal with girls, or what culturally-specific programs does OYA have, or do OYA facilities have sports teams?

After you have poked around about OYA, and read this chapter, tell me your impressions of the OYA system. Specifically, share with us (i) what aspect(s) of the OYA system you learned about in your research, (ii) something about OYA you think is likely to be positive, or effective, based on what you have learned, and (iii) at least one negative -- something that you don't like, or that wasn't mentioned or seems missing, but you think should be a part of the OYA system. Your post should show me that you read the chapter and did some research on OYA.

The course textbook is Juvenile Justice, Schmalleger & Marcum (2019), Sage Publishing, ISBN: 9781544300412.

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