VB-MAPP General Questions and Case Study
General Questions about the VB-MAPP:
1. What is the VB-MAPP and what does it assess? (See VB-MAPP Overview)
2. Skim the Milestones Assessment (Levels 1 - 3). (See VB-MAPP Assessment)
- First note the skills that are consistent across developmental levels (e.g., mand, tact, listener responding).
- Choose any two skills, and provide an example of one milestone for each skill. For example, "tact" is a skill across the three developmental levels. A Level 1 skill would be "Tacts any 4 items (e.g., people, pets, characters, or favorite objects)."
- For each skill that you have chosen, briefly discuss how the milestones change across developmental levels.
3. What does the Echoic subtest assess?
4. Identify 5 barriers to learning assessed through the VB-MAPP Barriers assessment, and provide an example of each? (See VB-MAPP Assessment)
5. What is the purpose of the transition assessment? Identify any three areas assessed.
6. How is task analysis used once the VB-MAPP assessment has been completed?
Case Study and Questions:
Directions: Read the following case study along with the VB-MAPP resources under Readings. Answer the questions following the case study.
Tommy Johnson is a 4-year-old boy with autism. He has difficulty communicating with his peers and frequently fails to respond when people speak to him. Tommy never initiates conversations and rarely makes eye contact with other individuals. Periodically, Tommy becomes upset and loses his temper throughout the school day. Tommy is not the only person with autism in his family. His older brother, Matthew, exhibits some signs of autism, including certain repetitive behaviors, difficulty with social skills, and behavioral problems. Despite these barriers, Mathew has been successfully integrated into a general education classroom.
Tommy was placed in a special education class at Springfield Elementary School at the beginning of September. Mrs. Penny, Tommy's teacher, has been unable to find effective teaching strategies to work with Tommy. He rarely listens to Mrs. Penny and has difficulty interacting with the six other students in his class. At home, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have noticed that Tommy loses his temper more frequently since their move to Springfield last year. They have learned that the methods that helped Matthew change his behavior do not seem to be effective with Tommy. In order to reassess the strategies for working with Tommy, Mrs. Penny scheduled an IEP team meeting.
1. What areas of the VB-MAPP assessment would you use to assess Tommy and why? Specifically discuss the areas of concern (as identified in the case study) and how they relate to your assessment choices.
2. In what ways can the VB-MAPP assessment and Task Analysis suggest areas for intervention where Tommy is concerned? (Be specific and be sure to link task analysis to IEP goals and objectives)