What areas does the offender need to address

Problem: Offender Crummey is being released from a minimum-security facility next month and has been assigned to your caseload. Your group represents the offender's treatment team upon release. Review the presentence investigation (PSI) and the offender's home plan. Research the community resources and programs available for this offender, and assess his home plan. Develop a detailed treatment plan with measurable goals and objectives. Remember that goals are broader and more long-term, whereas objectives are the smaller steps that clients take to meet the overall goal.

Write a paper of 4-6 pages that addresses the following:

  • What areas does the offender need to address to be successful upon re-entry? Make sure that the goals you develop for him can be measured.
  • What community resources and programs will you draw on for this offender?
  • Is his home plan appropriate to ensure a successful re-entry? Identify any changes that you would require before approving it.
  • Also, discuss how often you would require the offender to check in with you.
  • How would you determine whether or not the offender is making progress on his goals and objectives?

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Reference No:- TGS03373247

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