
What are your thoughts on this do you agree what is your

The first issue is the way to determine the health of an individual; Theory X states that the health status of an individual can be determined randomly. Theory Y says the health status of an individual depends on the lifestyle choices. In this case, I support Theory Y, depending on the lifestyle of an individual he or she can develop health problems or lead a healthy life. For instance, a person who drinks or smokes is more likely to develop diseases than those who don't, in another case if a person wears a seatbelt he or she is likely to survive an accident than the one who does not. These show how the health of an individual cannot be determined randomly. The second issue is the view of medical practice, Theory X states that the medicine is a science and the experts will eventually find a cure for all the illnesses. Theory Y says that the medicine is an art and that the patients need different types of treatments and care, it also states that there will always be a demand for less painful and treatment that costs less. I support Theory X; this is because there has been a lot of research in the field of medicine that is aimed at finding the best means possible to treat all kinds of illness (Pauly, McGuire & Barros, 2012). Even if patients need different types of treatment and that is less painful and cheaper, they will always be provided with the best option that can help them treat their diseases.

Another issue is the view on medical care; Theory X states that it is a unique commodity while Theory Y says that its similar to other good or service. In this case, I support Theory X, medical care is a unique commodity, a lot of resources and keen interest has to be taken into providing medical care. It also essential as it deals with improving the lives of human beings and eradicating illnesses.

The last issue is the view on the role of the government in health care. Theory X states that the regulations by the government to control and protect this unique commodity are necessary while Theory Y says that these rules are not required. I support Theory X; it's essential for the government to create regulations to help control how health care is provided, to protect the patients and ensure that quality is assured.

Answer this question. respond tho the statement above in one paragraph. What are your thoughts on this do you agree what is your opinion. Do you agree with theory y that states the health status of an individual depends on the lifestyle choices?

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