
What are your thoughts on the outcome of the case do you

Discussion: Student Rights

During this learning plan, you were required to locate an example of a student handbook via an internet search.

Discuss the correlation you see between issues from the cases or articles you read for this learning plan and information in the student handbook.

Also, discuss the correlation between campus safety laws and information in the student handbook.

Cite specific parts of the handbook in your response. Give at least two examples.

Support your discussion with cited, credible sources. Cite your sources in proper APA format, using both in-text citations and reference entries.

Discussion: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Actions for Discussion: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Must post first.

A new employee you have hired works with student educational records and needs to get up to speed on FERPA. What information will you give her? Prepare a brief memo, email, or PowerPoint to sufficiently educate her. Post it to the discussion board.

Support your discussion with cited, credible sources. Cite your sources in proper APA format, using both in-text citations and reference entries.


Assignment: Student Rights

This assignment will assess Competency 5: Outline issues regarding student rights and student disciplinary issues both personal and academic.

Directions: Write a 500-1000 word paper in two parts:

Part One: Prominent Student Rights Cases

Review the following cases and write a short IRAC summary for two of them.

o Sweatt v. Painter (1954) (separate but equal)
o Southeastern Community College v. Davis (1979) (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973)
o Regents of the University of Michigan v. Ewing (1985) (due process)
o Papish v. Board of Curators of the University of Missouri (1973) (free press)
o Healy v. James (1972) (free speech)

Part Two: Current Status of Prominent Cases

For each of the cases you chose, answer the following questions:

• What are your thoughts on the outcome of the case? Do you think the judges made the right decision? Why or why not?
• How have the issues this case raised been addressed more recently, either in legislation or current events? Give detailed examples.
• Do you think the issues of this case are still relevant today? How?

Support your answers with credible cited information. Cite your sources in APA style, using both in-text citations and reference page entries.

Assignment: Dissatisfied Student

This assignment will assess Competency 5: Outline issues regarding student rights and student disciplinary issues both personal and academic.

Directions: This assignment requires you to draft an "action items" checklist and write a 500-1000 word letter to the student in the following scenario:

Shelly Elliot, a student at your higher learning institution, has contacted you to complain that her instructor is disorganized. Shelly does not understand what is going on in the course. Shelly thinks her required textbook is useless, and she says her instructor isn't using it anyway. Shelly missed the first class and a subsequent class before expressing her concerns to you. She is currently failing the class. She wants to withdraw from the course after the add/drop deadline with a full refund of tuition and receive a full refund for the cost of the textbook. If you don't comply with her requests, she is threatening to complain to the government. You suspect other students are doing fine, and the instructor may not be using the required textbook as his main source for teaching materials.

First, draft a checklist of steps you would take to investigate the claims and data you would collect to prepare your response.

Next, write a 500-1000 word letter to Shelly from the perspective of a university staff member in an academic role.

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Business Management: What are your thoughts on the outcome of the case do you
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