
What are your specialties or areas of clinical focus in

Question: Interview two helping service professionals from two different settings, such as a school, hospital, or prison. Ensure that at least one of the interviewees is a clinical psychologist.

Provide the name and work environment of the two professionals you interviewed.

Ask the following questions to each of your interviewees:

• In what setting do you practice? How long have you been practicing?

• What are your specialties or areas of clinical focus?

• What are the most common disorders you treat?

• Do you have any special certifications or training beyond your original graduate coursework?

• How do you approach therapy or treatment? Do you use specific modalities, techniques, or interventions?

• What ethical and legal issues do you think are the most challenging or common?

• Do you have an opinion on where you think the field of psychology is heading?

• What do you enjoy most about your work?

• What advice would you provide an aspiring psychologist or therapist?

Discuss, in a 350- to 700-word response, the similarities and differences of how these professionals approach treatment in their settings.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

(1) Mary Taylor Davis PHD Clinical Psychologist 40 yrs.

(2) MargoratBorowiecMarriage and Family Therapist Since 1989

• In what setting do you practice? How long have you been practicing?OutpatientTherapy private practice for 40 yrs.

• Office in home, Since 1989

• What are your specialties or areas of clinical focus? Young children and Family

 Marriage and Family Therapist, family , relationships, communication

• What are the most common disorders you treat? Depression, child abuse, sexual abuse and Borderline personalities.

• Anixiety and Depression

• Do you have any special certifications or training beyond your original graduate coursework? No only License of State in Arizona

No, Only counseling families in Arizona

• How do you approach therapy or treatment? Do you use specific modalities, techniques, or interventions? Looking at the thoughts and patterns of thinking. Cognitive behavioral therapy, Communication skills therapy. For Depressed clients I use self-care skills, so they know what to do to take care of themselves.

• Cognitive Behavior therapy by asking question about family background information. Ask client how to behave in conflicts and skills to assist in helping them be happy.

• What ethical and legal issues do you think are the most challenging or common?Confidentiality- Not having permission to discuss client info to others. Also, Appropriate behaviors- Not being able to conduct a professional relationship with client, relationships and sleeping with clients seem to be challenging.

Sleeping with clients, staying out of the way of the state board of health examinators who enforce rules and they are lots of rules. Ethical is being honest with the clients

• Do you have an opinion on where you think the field of psychology is heading? More expansion of psychology in other areas. That more doctors will be accepting psychologist assistance when medication is prescribed. Large number of people will need more help from psychologist.

• Most of psychology will go further into medication and psychotherapy is going to be needed more for people

• What do you enjoy most about your work? Talking with people and helping them figure out what to do to make their life better.

• The people and money

• What advice would you provide an aspiring psychologist or therapist? Specialize in the area that you like most. You will become more successful in the psychology career. For example, if you like working with children, work with children and family. Get Masters in Social Worker they tend to get picked for more jobs and paid by insurance companies better.

• To go into the clinical social worker. The hire social work if you are looking to just go for your masters.

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Dissertation: What are your specialties or areas of clinical focus in
Reference No:- TGS02736175

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