
What are your provisional hypotheses

Assignment Task: Maggie and Rusty walked toward the parking lot.  "Are you sure we have everything we'll need? Asked Maggie.

Rusty frowned in concentration.  "I think so," he said.  "I double checked with the state and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We will do the interviews, so I have divided up the names.  Dr. Naisbitt is ready to order the recommended lab tests, and I have the containers.  The state lab is ready for the onslaught.  I think we're all set."

"Let's get going then," said Maggie.  "Altogether we have 24 people who attended community meal activities during the past several weeks.  What are the dates again?"

Rusty checked his notes. "There was the Founder's Day Picnic at the park on October 4; the potluck supper at the church on October 5; the banquet at the restaurant on October 6; and the Civic Leadership Breakfast at the school on October 7."

Case Analysis:

Q1. What are the concepts covered in the case?

Q2. What do you know about the case?  What actual information do you have?

Q3. What are your provisional hypotheses?

Q4. What do you need to better understand the concepts or to know to solve the problem? What are the learning issues?

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Reference No:- TGS03222157

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