
What are your proudest accomplishments for review period

Assignment task: Assuming that you are the program director for a residential group home with seven clients who are physically challenged, how would you respond or answer the following questions given below. Also what would be your supervisor comment in regard to your various answers given for the question below:

1. What are your proudest accomplishments for this review period? (Assuming that, the review period is January 2023 to December 2024) Also state what would be your supervisor's comment with regard to your answer given?

2. What goals have you reached this review period? Also state what would be your supervisor's comment with regard to your answer given?

3. What are your top three work goals for the next review period January 2024 to December 2024 Also state what would be your supervisor's comment with regard to your answer given.

4. What do you see as your biggest opportunity for improvement? How are you going to actively work on improving over the next year? Also state what would be your supervisor comment with regard to your answer given?

5. What Management can do to support your overall performance and development? What supports (training or resources) do you need? Also state what would be your supervisor's comment with regard to your answer given?

6. How do prefer to be recognized for your work? Also state what would be your supervisor's comment with regard to your answer given?

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Other Subject: What are your proudest accomplishments for review period
Reference No:- TGS03416285

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