You accepted a job for the summer at San Diego COVID Vaccine Specialists. You are running tests on their software system that determine the efficacy of their COVID vaccine. While you're inputting data, the chief scientist comes in and tells you not to include a stack of 1,000 records that your boss already told you to include in the results. Although they were valid, he indicates that the results weren't in the company's favor and it's simply in everyone's best interest to ignore these cases. He asks you not to mention your discussion and to make the 1,000 records simply vanish. He offers a handshake, and says: "I think you understand what I'm saying here. Don't tell anyone about this." He smiles and leaves.
Write three separate paragraphs on: (I) your responsibilities to users; (II) your responsibilities to clients and stakeholders; and (III) your responsibilities to the development team. What ethical issues are involved? Did the chief scientist ask you to do something unethical? What should you do based on ethical principles in the computing practice? What are your professional responsibilities? Using your best judgment, elaborate in the context of the ACM Code of Ethics. elaborate in the context of the ACM Code of Ethics.