
What are your priority assessments

Assignment task: Iara is 17 years old and is visiting her half-brother Dylan and mom. Izzy currently lives with her aunt. Iara gave birth to Destiny 3 months ago, born 3 days after her due time and has been breastfeeding exclusively. Iara reports Destiny's dad is involved "at times" but they are not together. Iara left Destiny with her dad for the day and noted when she picked her up, the diaper is dirty and reports Destiny is crying more, but consolable. Additionally, Iara notes her left breast has been painful with nursing at times. No previous medical concerns for Iara or Destiny.

Q1. What are your priority assessments?

Q2. What are you most concerned about?

Q3. Iara and Destiny are a dyad-They are both your patients

Q4. What would you expect for Destiny developmentally speaking and what are some ideas on how you could assess to see if she is meeting milestones?

Q5. As a mandated reporter you have decisions to make, considerations?

Q6. What resources would you consider exploring with mom?

Q7. What pain assessment would you use for Iara? Destiny? Discuss your approach ... We will keep working with them on Friday

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Reference No:- TGS03295593

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