
What are your priorities for your visit today

Case Study: Primary Care of the Adolescent

Read the following Scenario

Sandeep Singh is a 16-year old South Asian adolescent in your office today for a sports physical examination.  She went to soccer practice yesterday, and the coach told her that she could not come back until she had her physical. She is also asking if you can give her birth control pills because she has a new boyfriend and they have been "playing around." She tells you she can't tell her mother about the birth control pills because she would never understand. Her mother has signed parental consent for the sports participation evaluation on the form required by the school to play soccer and will pick her up when the visit is done. Sandeep also mentions that she just got her license and is excited to drive.

Sandeep's physical indications include the following:

BP: 100/80

Pulse: 72

Respiration: 14

Temperature: 98.6

BMI: 17.5

Medications: None

Allergies: AKA

PMH: Tonsillectomy, age 5

Birth History: Non-contributory

ROS: Reports indigestion, constipation

Respond to each of the following questions using the information from the opening scenario and the reading and lectures from this week.

1. What are your priorities for your visit today?

2. What is the Chief Complaint today?

3. What psycho-social tools you might use in the assessment?

4. How does parental consent affect your ability to provide reproductive services for Sandeep?

5. What are the important indicators to look for during Sandeep's physical evaluation?

6. Sandeep is 16 years old. What exam findings might you anticipate finding in a teen patient?

7. What immunizations are recommended for a 16-year-old?

8. What is your advice for risk reduction for Sandeep?

9. Does Sandeep have any indicators for an eating disorder?

10. If so, what are the proper follow-up steps during the visit?

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Reference No:- TGS03321430

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