
What are your primary and secondary vals categories

Assignment task:

Segmentation All About You

Purpose of the Assessment: Is to give students the opportunity to experience how segmentation is done. In addition, students learn about the tools available to assist with developing segmentation strategies.

Visit the following website strategicbusinessinsights. Read about the VALS survey. Then answer the questions in the section below about the website's content on this sheet.

Q1. What are your primary and secondary VALS categories?

Q2. Explain why you choose these categories.

Visit the following website: claritas360

Read about Claritas product called PRIZM. Click on the tab "Zip-code Look up" at the top of the webpage. Enter your five-digit zip code. If you're an international student enter your local zip code. The program will provide the top five segments to which you belong. Click on each of the segments to view the description. Answer the following questions.

Q3. What zip code did you enter? What are the top five segments for the zip code you entered?

Q4. Which category best describes your zip code? Explain.

Q5. Consider the different profiles provided by VALS and PRIZM. Which offered the most accurate description of YOU? Please provide support for your answer.

Q6. What is the primary difference between the VALS and PRIZM segmentation strategies? Explain.

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Marketing Management: What are your primary and secondary vals categories
Reference No:- TGS03431895

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