
What are your personal thoughts of physical punishment


Discusses principles of operant conditioning. Corporal punishment and physical punishment are examples of operant conditioning (punishment by application).

Read the informative article outlining current research on the negative effects of spanking (hitting, whooping; you can use whatever language you feel comfortable with!) on children.
Read the article below titled: "Why do we still spank our children? The problem with physical (corporal) punishment".

Then respond to the following questions:

i. What are the major findings of this article?

ii. What are your personal thoughts/opinions of physical punishment? What emotions (if any) did you experience while reading this article?

iii. Can you identify other alternatives to physical punishment? Share some ideas.

iv. Does reading this article change your viewpoints in regards to physical punishment? Why/why not?

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Reference No:- TGS03248545

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