
What are your impressions of lenny

The Monk and the Riddle

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Paper instructions:


This is an individual deliverable: 2 pages maximum, single-spaced.

After reading The Monk & The Riddle, reflect on the following questions:

1. What was surprising or different about this book relative to what you know about entrepreneurship?

2. What are your impressions of Lenny? Why was Randy willing to give Lenny his time?

3. What do you think about the “Deferred Life Plan?”

4. What do you think about the evolution of Lenny’s opportunity? What value does Lenny get from talking to Randy and the VCs?

This paper will be graded on the depth of your personal thoughts and insights (as opposed to summarizing the book). You only have two pages. Don’t waste them on recounting the story. (I’ve read it!) I want to know what you thought about the book and the issues above.

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Other Subject: What are your impressions of lenny
Reference No:- TGS01613330

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