
What are your immediate goals for your career

Question 1: Assume you are being interviewed for a position with an organization and asked to respond to the following questions. Such questions are used to determine if you would be a good fit with the organization.  Answer each of the questions in at least 50wrds.

1. What is important about you that our organization should know?

2. What are your immediate goals for your career?

3. How does writing and communication affect your goals?

4. Provide an example showing that you are self motivated.

Question 2: Assume you are the Communications Manager in Hawaii for a discount store chain called Shopper's Value, which has operations similar to TJ Max and Ross.

Early in the day, at the Kaka'ako store, a masked man, along with a masked woman accomplice, entered the store, flaunting a gun. The two thieves grabbed purses from four customers and stuffed store merchandise into a bag before running off. The police were immediately called but they have not been caught.

The Executive President in Hawaii is concerned that the news will stop customers from coming to the store as they might be scared that it could happen again. She wants you to draft a notice to the public explaining how the company will better protect customers. (You are free to use your own ideas as to what should take place, but increasing security cameras or adding another security guard could be ways to make customers feel the store to be safer.) Minimum 200wrds.

Question 3: How would your attitudes, beliefs, and values affect your success in a business organization?

The explanation is about you, not the concepts in general or about what others do, unless you tie them to yourself.

Write about 175 words for each. How do they affect what you do and say in a business setting? Examples make this easy to explain.

Question 4: Write  speech introducing another speaker [200wods]. In business situations, not many people do this right, so it is a good technique to learn. In a gist, the introduction should include information about the speaker, what the speaker will talk about, and why the speech will be important.

Question 5: Explain ways you can improve your non-verbal communication [200 words]. Provide a specific event when you unconsciously gave off negative signals and discuss the impact they had other people and what you would do to correct it.

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Other Management: What are your immediate goals for your career
Reference No:- TGS03404259

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