
What are your biggest strengths as a leader what are your


Write a five page summary on the leader and organization based on your interview and analysis (double-spaced, 12-point Times font, 1 inch margins)

1. What is the name of your organization?

2. What is your job title?

3. How long have you worked for this organization?

4. How long have you been in a supervisory/leadership position?

5. How many direct reports do you supervise?

6. Have you ever had any formal leadership training?

7. How would you describe your personality?

8. What kind of traits or characteristics do you think a good leader needs?

9. Are leaders born or made? Both Why do you think this way?

10. Do you believe there are barriers for some people who would like to become a leader yes Why or why not?

11. Would you say you have a good relationship with each of your employees?

12. Do you treat your employees differently, depending on your relationship with each of them?

13. How would you describe your leadership style?

14. Do you think leaders need to display different types of leadership styles, depending on the situation?

15. How important do you think it is to keep your employees in a good mood at work?

16. Do you believe in "having fun" at work? Is it important for employees to have fun at work?

17. Do you do anything to try and improve yourself as a leader?

18. Are you transparent with your employees? Yes Do you think transparency is important? Yes Why or why not?

19. Do you think it is important for leaders to focus on developing their employees' abilities and helping them live better lives?

20. Would say that your job as a leader in your organization is a big part of your identity Yes why or why not?

21. Do you think it is important for your employees to identify with your organization? Yes Why or why not?

22. Do you use your position of authority to influence your employees?

23. Would you describe yourself as a charismatic leader?

24. Do you think charismatic leaders are the best leaders? Yes Why or why not?

25. Is it important to you to be a good example for your employees to follow? Yes Why or why not?

26. Do you set goals with your employees? Yes Do think setting goals with employees is effective?

27. Describe a situation that you would say exemplifies your leadership style. When I successfully inducted the entire staff body to a new style of management what was the outcome of the situation?

28. What do you think is the single biggest problem with employees today?

29. Do you trust your employees to do the right thing at work? Is trust important for leadership?

30. How do you handle problem employees?

31. What do you think is the most important issue facing the leaders of today's organizations?

32. Do you believe that leaders are shaped by important events in their life history? Is there a life event that has happened to you that you think has influenced your approach as a leader?

33. What are your biggest strengths as a leader?

34. What are your biggest areas for improvement as a leader?


Bass, B. and Stogdill, R. (2015). "Bass & Stogdill's handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications." Simon and Schuster

House, R. (2016). "Path-goal theory of leadership: Lessons, legacy, and a reformulated theory." The Leadership Quarterly, 7(3), 323-352.

House, R (2016) "Profiling a Company" Simon and Schuster.

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Business Management: What are your biggest strengths as a leader what are your
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