
What are your biggest challenges as a club how do you make


Part 2: Kingston Impact Basketball Club

Barriers to growth, strategies to move forward to ensure long-term sustainability


The Kingston Impact Basketball Club is committed to providing a basketball program that contributes to a long term healthy and active lifestyle, developing fundamental skills and good sportsmanship while encouraging a passion for sport.

Visit their website at: Kingstonimpact.ca

View this as we interview Don Pierson, past-president of Kingston Impact Basketball Club.






What have you done well - since you started back in 2007?

What programs link strongest to your mission?

What is (or are) your Club's greatest assets?

What are your biggest challenges as a Club?

How do you make money as a Club?

What are your barriers to growth?

What clubs do you admire - why?

What cites are great basketball towns?

What would you want your Club to look like if five years?

Who is on your Board (no names) - what are their skill sets/knowledge andwhat is the Board's strengths and weaknesses?

Does your Board discuss long-term planning and do you do any development?

Current Situation Analysis: where are they today ...

Current revenue generators:
House league fees
Tournaments - Mega, others
Rep teams - break even

Biggest expenses:

Biggest barriers to growth:
Gyms - gym time
Attraction of players - coaches

So ... breaking it down, there are three (?) areas of concern/barriers to growth the Board needs to address ...

Gym time - strategies (how do they solve this today, and what does tomorrow look like?)

Money - strategies (there are several areas they make money today, and they could in the future)

Attraction - strategies (attraction of who, whom ...)

Your assignment:

1 - research - what do I need to know? ... what do we need to know? ...who is solving this?

2 - brainstorm - share what you know, (S+W we have) and where are the opportunities and threats ...

3 - best opportunities - bring the best ideas forward ... work them up, develop ideas/strategies - work them through to a few tactics (short-term, long-term - but everything should be forecasting to a long-term success)

4 - small, deliverable ... come up with a ‘step forward' ...

5 - write it up

Possible projects:

Improve communication with stakeholders for attraction of players/talent/coaches - stakeholders could include: schools/school boards (which could also be linked to gym time), colleges/universities (which could be linked to talent and gym time), parents/players, coaches, referees (with the end result helping to ... assist with one of the three identified needs)

Improve relationships with surrounding municipalities - which could result in stronger partnerships on tourism (short-term and long-term), sponsorship, (short-term and long-term), cash (new money - long-term) ... and gym space (long-term)

Review opportunities for grants for funding

Review sponsorship package

Board development and attraction

Megasand Tournaments

Camps - Workshops

Writing it up! STAY STRATEGIC

12pt font - Calibri - spacing 1.5

Page one - cover, with the client logo and the strategy with team names

Page two - current situation analysis - what is happening at the Club, right now. You may want to include areas of the SWOT, the strengths and weaknesses. State the area you will ‘tackle', in hopes of improving growth and/or remove barriers to growth (one to two pages).

Page three - research - what you found out, site sources (one to two pages) you should provide the research, and narrate how this may/could/would/should impact the Club.

Page three - opportunities and threats - forming the strategy - within your ‘strategy area', show the areas you feel there is or are growth opportunities or development --- working towards long-term growth and sustainability (one page).

Page four - THE IDEA - this is where you show the strategy to tackle your area, and work up a tactic ... with outcome you can show (such as: if you were redoing the sponsorship strategy, reworking their sponsorship package and provides strategies to ‘get it out' and ways to present it, promote it - moving it to a ppt) ... I can assist you with your deliverable!

Part 2: Partners in Mission Foodbank - Fundraising


Our Mission: To provide nourishment and hope to those we serve, and an opportunity for our community to share.

Monetary and food donations help us to nourish local families by providing groceries through our food hamper program. Being the food distribution centre for this area, we also donate surplus provisions to over twenty local hot meal and shelter programs in the Kingston area.

Partners in Mission Food Bank provides fresh milk, eggs, fruits and vegetables in every grocery hamper and occasionally meat products from local businesses and donors.

Visit their website at: KingstonFoodbank.net

View this as we interview Sandy Singers, Executive Director of the Partners in Mission Foodbank.






In terms of fundraising - and community engagement, what are you doing now to raise money?

What have you done well in fundraising - what gives you the best ROI?

What months - do you struggle as an organization?

Who are your partners and what do they do for you?

What are your biggest challenges in fundraising?

How do you put together your fundraising calendar?

What are your barriers to fundraising?

What would you like your event/fundraising calendar to look like?

What Foodbanks are showcases for their community engagement and donation programs?

What are your greatest needs - do you have capital concerns today or in the next five years?

Who is on your Board (no names) - what are their skill sets/knowledge andwhat is the Board's strengths and weaknesses?

Does your Board discuss long-term planning and do you do any development?

Current Situation Analysis: where are they today ...

Current revenue generators - events:

From their website:

Many events are held throughout the year by individuals or organizations to raise money, food and hunger awareness.

Some examples include:

• MARCH-APRIL ~ EASTER food drives

If you or your place of business would like to become involved in an event to benefit the food bank complete the event registration form below, download a brochure to assist you, or complete and email an event registration form and contact Mr. Sandy Singers - Executive Director by email [email protected] or (613) 544-4534.

Concerns with these flagship events/or fundraisers:

Current tools they proactively use from the Fundraising 101 Tool Box:

Biggest expenses:
Others ....

Do they have a capital expense coming up in the next five years?

Biggest barriers:
Staff resources/time
Volunteer resources/time
Expertise to execute some of the strategies
Others ...

Your assignment:

1 - research - what are other foodbanks doing? ... who can we learn from? ...who is solving this? What is happening during the year in Kingston (windows to fundraise)? What have they done in the past, where are their gaps?

2 - brainstorm - share what you know, (S+W we have) and where are the opportunities and threats ...

3 - best opportunities - bring the best ideas forward ... work them up, develop ideas/strategies - work them through to a few tactics (short-term, long-term)

4 - small, deliverable ... come up with a ‘step forward' ...

5 - write it up

Possible projects:

Partnership strategy to proactively get third-party events

Event strategies - a great fundraiser to develop

Take a current event - add to it ...

Board development and attraction - to add endowments and bequests

Other ideas...

Writing it up! STAY STRATEGIC

12pt font - Calibri - spacing 1.5

Page one - cover, with the client logo with team names

Page two - current situation analysis - what is happening, right now. You may want to include areas of the SWOT, the strengths and weaknesses. State the area you will ‘tackle', in hopes of improving, adding or growing. (one page).

Page three - research - what you found out, site sources (one to two pages) you should provide the research, and narrate how this could/would/should/ maybe considered.

Page four - opportunities and threats - forming the strategy for your fundraiser - within your ‘strategy area', show the areas you feel there is or are growth opportunities or development --- working towards long-term growth and sustainability (one page).

Page five - THE IDEA - this is where you showcase the fundraising idea (idea, possible partners, tactics to ensure success, extra fundraisers at an event to add to the $$, ...)I can assist you with your deliverable!

Addendums - attach pieces to your presentation, to help showcase your ideas (if necessary).

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Other Subject: What are your biggest challenges as a club how do you make
Reference No:- TGS02577134

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